বিশ্বাস বড়ই আজব জিনিস। বুঝে করলে অনেক শাঁস, নাইলে পুরাই বাঁশ।
- @fazlerabbi37
বুঝেও যে বলে বুঝিনি তারে বুঝায় কে? আর না বুঝেও যে হ্যাঁ হ্যাঁ করে তারে ভুতে ধরছে।
- @fazlerabbi37
মোটিভেশন আর মাস্টারবেশন একই জিনিস, দুইটার উত্তেজনাই থাকে অল্প সময়ের জন্য… কিন্তু ফলাফল শূন্য।
- asifur.mashfiq@gmail.com
এক বাঙ্গালী ১০০ মানুষের কাজ করতে পারে, তবে ১০০ বাঙ্গালী এক হয়ে এক সাথে কাজ করতে পারে না।
- @tasauf1980
জীবন চিকেন বানের মত, অনেক খানি প্যাডিং, সামান্য সার বস্তু।
- @nr072
Democracy is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’, nowadays democracy is ‘of money, by actors, for power’
- @fazlerabbi37
Nowadays for some people, privacy is the new religion, Edward Snowden is the prophet.
- @fazlerabbi37
Mentee of a great mentor, travels the same road, a bit behind.
- @fazlerabbi37
Overengineering, just say no.
(Or perhaps it might make more sense to say “overengineering the overengineering that someone else has overengineered, just say no!”) ;-)
- Peter Sherman, Sep 30, 2005
In war the first casualty is always humanity.
- @fazlerabbi37
Bringing knife to gun fight and sonic canon to kill flies both are ineffective.
- @fazlerabbi37
When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.
- Tom Robbins
Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.
- @torvalds
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
- Marcus Aurelius
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
- Martin Fowler
Give someone a program, frustrate them for a day, teach them how to program, frustrate them for a lifetime.
- David Leinweber
Dreams are like polite crypto miners, stealing your cpu cycles when you’re idle.
- @bdeshi
I learned that system administration is 10% “oh yessss” and 90% “why the fuck is it not working damnit” then epic Google search journey.
- @imahbub
archlinux is like skyrim, it always tries to kill you but if you can stay alive here you can survive anywhere.
- @bdeshi
ChatGPT doesn’t give you information. It gives you information-shaped sentences.
- Neil Gaiman